An orange mobile liquid with a fresh, sweet, orange-like aroma. It has less body than mandarin oil
and is used less in perfumery.
Principal Constituents: These are naturally occuring in the essential oil.
- limonene
- methyl methylanthranilate
- geraniol
- citral
- citranellal
General Actions:
Open Symbols Key
Antitussive, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, rubefacient, tonic.
Non-toxic, non-irritant, nonsensitizing.
Primary Therapy Agent:
Secondary Therapy Agent:
Acne, congested and dull skin, greasy or oily skin/scalp, slack tissue, spots, wrinkles, mature skin,
edema, water retention, obesity, indigestion, flatulence, insomnia, nervous tension, stress-related
Important Note: The information on is
only provided for educational purposes, and further research should be done on each essential oil to be assured
of its proper usage for each individual. Aromatherapy is not meant to be a replacement for care under a qualified
health professional, but should be considered a complimentary modality.