Your privacy and the security of your personal information is a serious matter at Florapathics. So serious in fact, that we have a $1 million SiteSafe guarantee from Network Solutions to make sure it stays that way. We require verification for every order, and we may even contact you by phone to confirm your purchase. We understand that sharing your personal information can be uncomfortable; however, in order to combat identity theft, we require valid contact information, or we will not process an order. Website orders do require a verifiable primary email address in case we need to communicate with you about your order. We understand this may be an inconvenience, and if all of your payment information is an exact match, and you are shipping to your billing address, then we will probably not need to contact you. However, until we get to know you, if it does not all match, it could result in a shipping delay if we cannot reach you. Our system will not approve any transaction without the exact 3 or 4-digit verification code from the backside of your card. Also, in compliance with merchant processing rules, we do not store those codes in any of our systems, whether online or offline. We strive to protect our customers in all ways, both by what we put in our products, and by keeping their information safe and secure! |

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